Phone Bhoot, a highly anticipated horror comedy released today in cinemas. Synopsis: The tale of two ghostbusters is told in Phone Bhoot. Galileo Parthasarthy, also known...
"It Was 100% Fake Fielding by Kohli", says ex-Indian cricketer
Double XL starring Sonakshi Sinha and Huma Qureshi released today. Synopsis: In a society where their abilities are limited due to their size, Saira (Sonakshi) and Rajshri...
New Zealand becomes first team to seal semifinal spot
Mili, starring Janhvi Kapoor in the titular role released today. Synopsis: Mili Naudiyal is a 24 year old girl living with her father in quaint Dehradun. She...
Gerard Pique announces shock retirement
Wasim Akram is not someone who is easily impressed. That’s why when the legendary Pak bowler praises a player, it’s time to sit up and take...
Shift Asia Cup 2023 to Neutral Venue from Pakistan
Former Pakistan captain Imran Khan was Injured after firing in his rally
Himesh Reshammiya just released the teaser of his upcoming movie Badass Ravikumar. After making his acting debut in Aap Ka Suroor in 2007, Himesh Reshammiya is...