In honor of their late family patriarch Krishnam Raju, Prabhas and his family hosted a memorial meal. After a prolonged illness, the renowned actor Krishnam Raju...
Ajay Devgn is back with the sequel of his 2015 crime thriller hit film Drishyam. Directed by Abhishek Pathak, Drishyam 2 is scheduled to release on...
Ace pacer Jasprit Bumrah has been ruled out of T20 World Cup 2022 due to a stress fracture A BCCI official told PTI that Jasprit Bumrah...
Denmark’s kit supplier has found a novel way to protest against Qatar’s human rights record. It has “toned down” its logo and design on the team’s...
Bollywood’s one of the most loved power couples Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have been together for the last 10 years. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone...
International cricket is all about handling mental pressure. Talent alone is not enough. Mental strength is the difference between those who make it and the ones...
Cristiano Ronaldo seeks out professional help to treat his depression
Naane Varuvean, Dhanush’s double-dose psychological thriller released today. This is what the audience thinks of it. Naane Varuvean is a Tamil film released today. It stars...
Maryna Moroz has made history by becoming the first UFC star to sign a deal with men’s lifestyle magazine Playboy Moroz has been fighting in the UFC...
Coolio: Gangsta's Paradise rapper dead at 59