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Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui.



Photo: Shutterstock

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

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Nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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Party continues in Anant Ambani’s wedding as MS Dhoni and Akon dance on biggest party anthem ‘Ishq tera tadpave’




MS Dhoni

MS Dhoni was seen dancing with Anant Ambani during the pre-wedding party of the latter. The last two days have been a celebratory mode among the celebrities, as they have gathered in Jamnagar to take part in the wedding celebrations of Anant and Radhika Merchant. The wedding has featured some of the biggest celebrities in India and from various parts of the world.

The event has seen some brilliant performances from singers, dancers, and other artists. Some of them have been from outside India and have a huge name. The likes of Rihanna and Akon have performed at the event till now. The latter was also seen with the DJ on the stage dancing to the songs at the party ahead of the wedding. The video has gone viral on X.

Watch the viral video here –

During the wedding party, several stars from different fields like sports and movies attended and danced to the songs. In one of the popular party songs ‘Ishq Tera Tadpave’, the celebrities went berserk and danced to the song in full chill mode. Among those who were at the event was the former Indian cricketer MS Dhoni. He was accompanied by the groom Anant himself.

Yuzvendra Chahal seen in the event

In the video which has been shared by the fans, Akon was seen dancing at one end of the stage with the DJ. At the other end of the stage, Anant was seen dancing along with the CSK captain. While Anant and Dhoni would go against each other later this season in the IPL, they enjoyed the biggest night of Anant by partying together ahead of the wedding day.

Dhoni was not the lone cricketer present at the event. While not many noticed, even Yuzvendra Chahal was at the event. However, he was not on the stage and danced together with the people who were among the crowd. It has been a hell of an event, and the fans wish to see more such events where the cricketers and movie stars come together to have some time off from their schedules.

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Fans swoon over viral clip of Raha Kapoor interacting with Anant Ambani




Anant Ambani

Anant Ambani during his pre-wedding briefly said hello to Raha Kapoor, daughter of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. The groom-to-be was seen interacting with the adorable baby out on exploration with Alia.

Alia alongside Ranbir and Raha landed at Jamnagar like many other celebrities to attend the event. The three-day event was set to feature many big names and multiple festive activities before the wedding.

By now, there have been many memorable interactions and performances. These include the dance from three Khans of Bollywood and Rihanna’s performance. However, none could be as adorable as Anant getting to know Raha.

The brief interaction went viral as fans could not stop talking about Raha. Anant, after noticing the two, went on to say hello to the mother-daughter duo. After talking for a bit, Raha could be seen shying away.

Both Alia and Raha were in a matching dress, rocking a sharp look at the event. By the end of the short clip, Raha could be seen waving to someone in the distance. Anant went on to greet other guests.

Netizens can’t stop adoring Raha

Alia got married to Ranbir back in 2022 and had Raha the same year. However, the couple did not show off their daughter until Christmas last year. Even after that, there are not many occasions that fans get to see the adorable sweetheart.

While many fans talked about the humble nature of Anant, several others couldn’t stop talking about the adorable star baby. The entire comment section can be filled with talks about how cute Raha is.

“Hello Raha you are so cute and beautiful,” said one fan while another one said, “The way she waved her hand to say Hi to someone”. As for Anant, fans were delighted to see how well he handled the interaction.

Alia and Ranbir are pretty popular names in Bollywood. Her latest appearance was in a Netflix spy film called Heart of Stone alongside Gal Gadot and others. Ranbir on the other hand also made waves with his performance in Animal.

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Shah Rukh Khan chants ‘Jai Shri Ram’ at Anant-Radhika’s pre-wedding celebration




Shah Rukh Khan

The king of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, recently took to the stage at the pre-wedding event of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The event which is taking place in Jamnagar, Gujarat boasts some of the biggest names in the country and the world.

Shah Rukh, who is one of the biggest personalities in the country, boasts fans from all religions alike. Before introducing the ‘Powerpuff Girls’ of the Ambani family, he also chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’, which took many by surprise.

The actor walked on stage, greeted everyone and said, “For very good measure, ‘Jai Shri Ram’. God bless you all”. He then talked about how everyone enjoyed multiple performances, including Rihanna’s show and dance move last night.

However, in all the celebrations, Shah Rukh says that people can’t move forward without blessings. He then introduces the three girls of the Ambani family as ‘the Saraswati, the Lakshmi and Parvati’.

Here, Shah Rukh is talking about Kokilaben Ambani, Purnima Dalal and Devyani Khimji. These three would then give their blessings to Anant and Radhika for their upcoming wedding in July.

Fans caught by surprise

The video instantly became viral with fans. Watching him chant the Hindu mantra or any other religion is always a delight for fans. It also goes on to show that the actor is also

After watching the viral video, what followed suit was all fans also chanting, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ in the comments. Some of the fans even and a nostalgic feeling about Shah Rukh hosting the Filmfare Awards due to his charming introduction.

One fan wrote, “Missed the film fares where he used to host, thanks to Ambani ji”. Others simply expressed their love for the actor.

In another viral video, King Khan was also spotted with Salman Khan and Aamir Khan. The actors were performing some of the iconic dance moves from each of their movies together. At one point, the trio also re-enacted the signature ‘Naatu Naatu’ step.

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