The team of the fifth instalment of the popular show ‘Stranger Things’ have announced their release date. Slated to be released by 2024 initially, the makers...
Yashasvi Jaiswal played a brilliant knock and reached his 2nd Test hundred. In the match against England at Vizag, the youngster waged a lone war without...
Shocking news has come out this morning. Bollywood actress Poonam Pandey is no more. The actress was battling Cervical cancer which she reportedly sustained in the...
Shubman Gill was dismissed for just 34 runs in 47 balls in the 2nd Test against England. In the 1st innings of the Vizag test, Gill...
India left out Mohammad Siraj from the 2nd Test against England. In the Vizag Test, Mukesh Kumar has got an opportunity to play in the place...
Inter Miami had a terrible night in the friendly game against Al Nassr. The American team which is undergoing a rough patch had a nightmarish game...
India has made three changes to their lineup in the 2nd Test. Two of them have been a forced change and another is a tactical change....
David Warner’s decision to retire from Test cricket gave the chance for a new player to open the batting. Against all odds, the task was given...
Sarfaraz Khan has claimed that he is happy for his father. The star batter’s father recently claimed that he is happy for his son getting the...
India’s finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman lauded the rise of sports in India during her Union Budget speech. The Indian contingent finished with its highest-ever medal tally...