Bollywood’s renowned actress, Kajol, recently sent fans on a delightful trip down memory lane as she donned the iconic attire of ‘Anjali’ from the beloved classic...
The Australian cricket team are having a hard time in the ongoing ODI World Cup 2023. They are currently at the bottom of the points table...
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has voted to include T20 cricket as part of the sports lineup at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This move marks...
Indian cricket team are rolling high in the ongoing ODI World Cup 2023 with their 3 consecutive victories in the tournament. They are currently the table...
Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is known for his charisma and action-packed performances, is set to captivate audiences once again with his highly-anticipated film Tiger 3....
The 17th season of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss has finally started as its first episode was telecasted on Sunday, October 15 and it...
Former Indian cricketer Wasim Jaffer is known for his witty and humorous social media presence, and he didn’t disappoint cricket fans when he took to the...
Afghanistan star off-spinner Mujeeb Ur Rahman displayed a magnificent all-round performance in the 13th match of the ODI World Cup 2023 against England on Sunday at...
It was a historic day for Afghanistan cricket at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi on Sunday, August 15. They’ve beaten the defending champions England to...
It was a day to remember for the Afghanistan team as they registered their biggest in cricket. The Afghanistan side beat England by 69 runs to...