Sanya Malhotra, who starred alongside Shah Rukh Khan in Jawan, often reflects on her memorable experience with the superstar. In a recent interview, Sanya shared a life-changing piece of advice she received from SRK: stop overthinking about life and work. She revealed that following this advice has had a positive impact on her outlook.
Sanya also recalled car rides with Khan, where they would listen to his iconic songs instead of engaging in conversation. This simple ritual left her with fond memories of working with the legendary actor.
In an earlier interview, Sanya described her time on the sets of Jawan as surreal. She emphasized that her focus was on learning from Khan, whom she admired deeply. Being a devoted fan, she viewed this opportunity as one she could never decline.
The Kathal actress praised Shah Rukh Khan’s professionalism and respectful demeanor. She was particularly inspired by his habit of standing to greet every female colleague on set, showcasing his commitment to equality and respect.
Sanya also highlighted the progressive narrative of Jawan, which featured a predominantly female cast in powerful roles. Unlike traditional stories led by male heroes, SRK’s character united five strong women to tackle greater challenges.
Reflecting on the film, Sanya acknowledged how Khan’s work consistently portrays women in empowering ways. This respect, she noted, is evident in his choice of scripts and his interactions on set.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan is gearing up for his next project, King, directed by Siddharth Anand. The film will feature Suhana Khan and Abhishek Bachchan, promising yet another cinematic spectacle.