Bollywood renowned actress Kangana Ranaut and the makers of ‘Emergency’ have announced the release date of their upcoming movie. Taking to X, Kangana confirmed the release...
Orry aka Orhan was seen with his doppelganger in the latest social media post of some of the paparazzi. Orry has become a sensation on social...
Kangana Ranaut has commented on the idol of Lord Ram which is being sculptured to be installed in the newly built temple at Ayodhya. The star...
Main Atal Hoon has received mixed opinions from the fans and the critics who have watched it. Many who watched it claim it to be oversimplified...
Charlie Puth gave a perfect tribute to Matthew Perry who recently passed away. The singer and songwriter is known for coming up with such songs as...
Nawazuddin Siddiqui has his take on the future of Bollywood. The talented actor has claimed Bollywood to not have a great future in the upcoming days...
Karan Johar has regretted one of his past movies as a director with Shah Rukh Khan. Karan has expressed his opinions on Kabhi Alvidaa Naa Kehna...
Rajkumar Hirani’s movie Dunki has garnered a range of responses from the audience since its premiere. Despite this, the film has maintained consistent box office earnings...
Viewers were in for a rollercoaster of emotions as contestants Ayesha Khan and Munawar Faruqui engaged in a heated confrontation in a recent episode of Bigg...
Oppenheimer has bagged huge awards at the Golden Globe 2024. In the 81st anniversary of the prestigious awards, Christopher Nolan winning the award for Best Director...