Punjabi actor and renowned singer Gippy Grewal’s Canada home was recently attacked and now the actor has broken the silence on it. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi who...
Kantara: A Legend, directed by Rishab Shetty, emerged as one of the standout successes of 2022, raking in an impressive INR 397 crores at the box...
Orhan Awtaramani, popularly known as Orry, has become the latest sensation on social media, frequently capturing the attention of paparazzi at Bollywood parties. Orry’s charismatic personality...
The much-anticipated release of Ranbir Kapoor’s action-drama, Animal, has sent shockwaves through the Bollywood community. Scheduled to hit theatres on December 1, the film is not...
The much-anticipated trailer for Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s upcoming film Animal was unveiled on November 23, sending fans into a frenzy of excitement. Starring Ranbir Kapoor in...
The latest season of Bigg Boss 17 has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, as fans express discomfort over the on-screen intimacy between contestants...
The long-anticipated trailer for Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film “Animal” was unveiled on Thursday, November 23, stirring excitement among fans. The movie, featuring Ranbir Kapoor, has been...
Orhan Awatramani is likely to make a wild card entry in the Bigg Boss 17. Reports suggest that Orry is likely to be in the sets...
The much-awaited first song of Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki was released on Wednesday, November 22. The song is sung by Bollywood’s veteran singer Arijit Singh....
After a lacklustre start, the 17th season of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss has picked up momentum and is now experiencing an increase in...