Bollywood star Ranveer Singh was recently awarded with an esteemed honour at the Red Sea Film Festival’s third edition. The festival commenced with the world premiere...
Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal and Vicky Kaushal’s Sam Bahadur battled it out at the box office this weekend on December 1, offering audiences a choice between riveting...
As the highly anticipated film Animal graces the silver screen, it is Tripti Dimri who emerges as the unexpected yet dazzling star, stealing the limelight with...
Celebrations are in order for Bollywood fans as the highly anticipated movie Animal graced the silver screen on December 1. Starring the dynamic ensemble of Ranbir...
The much-awaited action-thriller Animal is set to hit the theatres on December 1. Starring Ranbir Kapoor in the lead role, the movie has been the talk...
Film director Sandeep Reddy Vanga is gearing up for his coming directorial Animal starring Ranbir Kapoor which is scheduled to be released on December 1. The...
As the year draws to a close, Spotify has unwrapped the musical gifts of 2023, revealing the diverse and vibrant soundscape that echoed through the hearts...
Pop sensation Taylor Swift has emerged as the reigning queen of Spotify’s 2023 Wrapped campaign, securing the coveted title of the platform’s most-streamed artist globally. Swift’s...
The 17th edition of Bigg Boss is gaining traction with increased TRP, thanks to heightened activity among the contestants. However, YouTuber Anurag Dobhal, a prominent participant...
Orhan Awatramani, popularly known as Orry, recently made a splash with his brief appearance on ‘Bigg Boss 17,’ sparking curiosity and conversation about his unique lifestyle...