Talented actor Raghav Juyal and acclaimed producer Guneet Monga are preparing to work together once again after their first film, “Gyarah Gyarah,” in the highly anticipated...
Gadar 2, Sunny Deol’s most recent release, created history by becoming the first Indian movie to open in Monterrey, Mexico. The movie, a follow-up to the...
On Tuesday, Sunny Deol made box office history by guiding his most recent action movie, Gadar 2, to the exclusive Rs 400 cr club, a record...
The top person on Ayushmann Khurrana’s list of collaborators is Karan Johar. The Dream Girl 2 actor shares the extent he will go to for the...
Jawan’s excitement continues to be unsurpassed. We are only a few weeks away from the big release of the movie, which features Shah Rukh Khan in...
Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri, and Yash Das Gupta appeared in the ‘Yaariyan’ sequel, which T-Series released on Wednesday. The next movie, scheduled to hit theatres...
Saiyami Kher has frequently stated her love of the sport of cricket and cited Sachin Tendulkar as her greatest inspiration. So much so that she watched...
Pandit Banaras Tripathi, Pankaj Tripathi’s father, has passed away on Monday. He died at the age of 99. The OMG 2 actor, who apparently was filming...
Salman Khan, an actor, left his Mumbai residence with a new look. On Sunday night, the actor went to a restaurant sporting a bald appearance. The...
The 14th annual International Film Festival of Melbourne came to a spectacular conclusion with director Anurag Kashyap’s most recent masterwork ‘Kennedy.’ The audience at yesterday night’s...