In a recent live Instagram session, renowned filmmaker Karan Johar addressed the controversy stemming from statements made by actress Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh on ‘Koffee...
In an unexpected scenario, Bollywood actor Salman Khan and Portugal footballer Cristiano Ronaldo were sitting in the same row. The incident happened during an MMA event...
Television actress and former Bigg Boss contestant Devoleena Bhattacharjee recently took to social media site X (formerly known as Twitter) to express her disappointment with Vicky...
Popular social media influencer and former Bigg Boss OTT contestant Aashika Bhatia and her friend Manisha Rani found themselves on the receiving end of some unwanted...
Malaika Arora, the Bollywood beauty and fitness icon, has once again set temperatures soaring with her latest gym appearance. Dressed in a striking black and white...
Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif is all set to sizzle on the silver screen once again in their upcoming movie, Tiger 3, which is part of the...
The popular talk show ‘Koffee With Karan,’ hosted by renowned filmmaker and producer Karan Johar, has generated significant online buzz lately due to the appearance of...
Bollywood’s ace filmmaker and producer Karan Johar is back with the brand new season of his popular and controversial talk show ‘Koffee With Karan’. The first...
The well-known dating reality program “Temptation Island” is now being adapted for an Indian audience. In a first for India, couples will be seen challenging their...
Following the enchanting and sizzling performance of Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone in the song ‘Besharam Rang’ from the movie Pathaan in January, fans are now captivated...